Day 3: Part Two



Today, the boys returned to Lowell school, this time not working in the garden but in the school itself. We were working to set up the YIPPEE Program for the summer. YIPPEE is a free summer camp for poor kids in the Chicago area that takes kids on field trips, gives them environmental and nutritional information, and provides lunches and physical education. We quickly cleaned the offices and finished everything we were given. However, the art teacher was walking by and asked if some of us could help clean and repaint her room. We painted an entire wall and scrubbed shelves while she informed of the inadequicies of the Chicago Public Scool system. After lunch, we went over to a dojo that the YIPPEE Program was using to teach kids karate where we mopped and painted (and felt very Karate Kid-esque). Later, we returned to the Seed Of Abraham Church before heading out to eat on the shores of the Great Lake and return completely exhausted.


Ann Agrimson
6/18/2013 11:17:00 pm

Holy cow! You guys are really getting a lot done and working hard! Very impressive!

Becky Halvorson
6/19/2013 12:19:07 pm

It's great to read about all your hard work and ways you are helping the community in Chicago. We hope the Windy City isn't too windy. Thanks for the daily posts. If fun to hear about each day.

doug hartmann
6/19/2013 11:19:50 pm

love the write-up! thanks so much for keeping us updated and entertained.

Arthur French
6/20/2013 05:04:44 am

Can you guys come over and paint at my house before my wife gets home?

Ann Beane
6/20/2013 01:10:17 pm

Great blogging. Sounds the week has been filled with lots of variety! Have a good end to the trip!

Arthur French
6/21/2013 05:10:27 am

Rebecca and Craig:

Thanks for taking time out of your summer to do this for our kids!


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    Chicago Mission Trip 2013

    Follow posts from ULCH youth about their experience in Chicago.


    June 2013