After two days of tireless works at YIPPEE the boys crew of the "White Sox", which has been a strange adjustment for the twins fan, we were sent to a tranquil park for some beautification. The three of us gents, plus a fourth male from saint Michaels, spent the day throwing mulch. Three trunks of mulch came and were seemingly effortless (only because of the massive amount of strength each one of us possessed) tossed into seven wheelbarrels for several hours. Before lunch the love Maggie, head and founder of the YIPPEE program introduced us to her Catholic Church. The stories that Padre Tivy told us about the parish and its history were very interesting. After finishing up early, mainly do to our massive strength, we all grabbed a quick ice cream cone from the "Tastee Freez" on the corner by our showering location. Well, all but Miles who got a Sprite instead in a misguided moment of confusion. After our delicious meal of tacos and finishing our duties as the dinner clean up crew, we attended a wensday night bible study/worship service at a local Assembly of God church, temporarily being held in what we were told was a high school auditiurim, though it looked more like a huge office building from the outside. The service was filled with high energy and up tempo music, an enthusiastic preacher focusing on the second chapter of Titus (literally breaking down and explain every single word), and a seemingly palpable joy from the electric crowd. And though the message was not always in agreement with what us youth believed the experience was extremely eye opening, and to witness the parish in their different form of worship made for an awesome evening. It was a truly rewarding and enlightening day and the last day seems to be coming to soon.


Arthur French
6/20/2013 05:11:02 am

Thanks for the updates! This is cool. Family in Japan can see you too!

Jan Sanden
6/20/2013 10:59:37 am

Thanks, Hope crew, for your contributions to help those who need you. Right now, I am just a mile or so from you waiting for the birth of our first grandchild----- a Chicago kid! Enjoy the lovely weather here.

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    Chicago Mission Trip 2013

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    June 2013